Project Information
Kirkcaldy WWTW provides secondary treatment of sewage for the local area. Due to the close proximity of neighbours and the Fife coastal walk the plant processes were all enclosed in buildings and extracted air passed through a peat bed Biofilter before being discharged into the atmosphere. Despite odour abatement measures odour complaints were still received, although the client introduced further odour control measures complaints continued, a complete redesign was required.
Odour control for the variable odour sources throughout the plant.
To design, manufacture, and install a two stage wet chemical scrubber followed by a Granulated Activated Carbon (GAC) polishing system for the provision of odour abatement to the site complete with slab ductwork, emission stack and an on line odour monitoring equipment. The scope of works included the caustic and sodium hypochlorite dosing and chemical storage system complete with tank bunds and emergency shower systems. In addition to the odour control hardware we also designed, supplied and installed the Motor Control Centre (MCC) and carried out the integration of the system with the clients SCADA.
Successful reduction in odour units to the agreed <500ou/m³ at the stack.
Project Data:
Flow Rate: 22,644m3/hr
Odour Challenge – In: H2S, VOCs, Mercaptans, Amines etc
Odour Challenge – Out: 99% reduction at the stack
Footprint: 287m2
Contract value: £1.8m
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