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Kombi-Skrub -
Wet Chemical Scrubbers

Wet Chemical Scrubbing is a very effective system for abatement of large air volumes with high and or variable odour challenges that are difficult for biological systems to treat.

Kombi-Skrub - Wet Chemical Scrubbers

A wet chemical scrubber will normally have either 2 or 3 chemical stages depending on the odour make up.


  • Treats high odour loads
  • Adapts to variable rates instantaneously
  • >99% H2S abatement
  • Online inlet and outlet odour monitoring
  • Optimised chemical consumption
  • Optimal activated carbon polishing filters if required
  • 10 year media life
  • Small footprint


  • If ammonia and amines are present in a gas stream a first stage acid stage scrubber followed by a two stage alkaline process is required
  • Predominantly acidic gas streams will be passed through a two stage scrubbing process
  • When alkaline and acidic gases are present a three stage system consisting of all of the above will be used

Case Studies

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