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Biological Desulphurisation

Biological desulphurisation systems are a proven and well-engineered solution for medium to high sulphur loads, where carbon systems would have significantly higher and unreasonable operational costs for our clients.

Biological Desulphurisation

Biological desulphurisation systems use naturally existing sulphur bacteria to reduce H2S from different gases. With oxygen contents above 2% by volume (typical application: odour control and biogas utilisation with CHPs) they produce sulphuric acid and in applications where the oxygen level is between 0.1 and 1% by volume (biogas desulphurisation at plants that upgrade the biogas to natural gas quality) such systems produce elemental sulphur. Both products are usable as good fertilisers.


  • High H2S removal rates up to 99%
  • Low to very low OPEX
  • Very low pressure drop
  • Customised plant design
  • No chemical required
  • Long design life (vessel, media, piping all in plastic)


  • Stand-alone solution (no operational interlink with overall plant necessary)
  • Plant control via Siemens PLC solution
  • Design adapted to and fully compliable with UK regulations

Case Studies

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